Want to make $$$? This is all about closing on sales and how to be a great salesman. It offers anything from selling frameworks, to teaching technical founders how to sell, and the entire sales funnel.

Books on Sales Strategy:

Videos on Sales Strategy:



Great Sales Articles:

  1. https://foundersatwork.posthaven.com/why-startups-need-to-focus-on-sales-not-marketing
  2. https://blog.ycombinator.com/sales-advice-for-technical-founders/
  3. https://blog.ycombinator.com/balancing-b2b-sales/
  4. https://tomtunguz.com/show-tell-customize/
  5. https://www.forentrepreneurs.com/heavybit/
  6. https://www.forentrepreneurs.com/sales-misses-plan/
  7. Three Frameworks to Kickstart Sales